Friday, July 11, 2014

How do we align with NSDC's Definition of Professional Development

This week we will analyze the PD practices of our school. We will consider:
- How does our school align with Learn Forward's (the NSDC's) Definition of Professional Development?
- Do we have evidence to show that our school is or isn't well aligned with this definition?
- Are the PD opportunities at our school... Results-Driven? Standards-Based? Job-Embedded?
 Please click to complete the survey

Monday, July 7, 2014

Principles outlined by Hirsh & Killion

The article that contains the 'principles' from my survey is
Hirsh, S., & Killion, J. (2009). When educators learn, students learn: Eight principles of professional learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 90(7), 464–469. 
In case you’re interested in the long version :)

Here is my short version of the Principles outlined by Hirsh & Killion ...

- Principles shape our thoughts, words, and actions::: A community of trust between leaders and their team allows teachers to voice their beliefs, take risks and be more productive.

- Diversity strengthens an organization and improves results::: Educators face diversity in their classrooms, so taking advantage of the diversity of a team of educators could provide the tools to best reach every child.

- Leaders are responsible for building the capacity in individuals, teams, and organizations to be leaders and learners::: Skillful leaders would develop a team that is able to make good decisions and take initiative.

- Ambitious goals lead to powerful actions and remarkable results::: “High expectations and accountability for achieving them are essential for producing powerful plans of action.” Furthermore, it is necessary to have leaders and teams committed to working toward these lofty goals for the long haul without a loss of interest or enthusiasm.

- Maintaining the focus of professional learning on teaching and student learning produces academic success::: Educators must use a higher degree of focus on the goals they have developed for student success, while dismissing the distractions that would usurp attention, time and money.

- Evaluation strengthens performance and results::: Evaluating professional development would provide evidence of growth in educators knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors,” and how those affect student learning. From my readings I have come to understand that leadership and funding require evidence of growth to maintain the levels of commitment and enthusiasm required to achieve long term lofty goals.

- Communities can solve their most complex problems by tapping internal expertise::: The idea being that we need to stop depending on outside ‘expertise’ to solve our inside problems. Teachers should share knowledge and expertise to best reach all students, not just those in your own classroom.

- Collaboration among educators builds shared responsibility and improves student learning::: Collaboration provides opportunities for educators to “share strengths and seek guidance.” This would grant all children the experience of excellent teaching.

Professional Development Beliefs by Hirsh & Killion

Read each statement and indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each using the scale below.