Friday, July 11, 2014

How do we align with NSDC's Definition of Professional Development

This week we will analyze the PD practices of our school. We will consider:
- How does our school align with Learn Forward's (the NSDC's) Definition of Professional Development?
- Do we have evidence to show that our school is or isn't well aligned with this definition?
- Are the PD opportunities at our school... Results-Driven? Standards-Based? Job-Embedded?
 Please click to complete the survey

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer Mitchell: (K teacher)
    I will say that our school wide PD always has to do with student data from state tests. (MSA) Most of the time it is directed at 3-5 grade teachers and rarely to the presenters bring it down to what it would look like in a primary classroom. This is my biggest frustration with PD. I do understand that I need to be aware of what is expected in the intermediate grades but I want to know what I can do to prepare them. I feel like leadership never brings it down to primary level.
